Thursday, October 9, 2008

Final Assessment(40%): Product Exhibition

The picture above is the iPod Shuffle’s PCB back and lithium-ion polymer battery.
Battery is a combination of two or more electrochemical cells which store chemical energy which can be converted into electrical energy.
The main function of the battery in iPod Shuffle is to provide energy for it to operate. Lithium-ion polymer battery is a rechargeable battery and is the similar kind found at the laptop computer because it uses lithium to carry electricity back and forth. Lithium-ion polymer battery is different from a regular computer battery in that it's much smaller and lighter and has less of a chance of overheating. The playtime is up to 12 hours when fully charged. It needs about 4 hours to fully charge. It is charging via USB Dock. The battery of an iPod Shuffle is connected to a printed circuit board (PCB), which holds together all the different parts of the inside of the device.

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